Every dollar goes to providing personalized training for leaders.
The effects of this ministry are multiplied throughout families, churches and communities...You are investing in the lives of leaders, but the effects will be widespread. On average, every leader leads more than 500 people. Your partnership and investment would affect more than 10,000 people TODAY.
a healthy leader is able to expand the vision, passion and ministry of an entire congregation.
a healthy congregation can transform a community.
when a leader fails (burns out, quits, is fired, etc.) it affects that leader for a long time, they may, prematurely, end their ministry and abandon their calling. It affects their spouse and kids...commonly, for generations. Imagine their children and grandchildren turning away from faith.
when a leader fails it affects that local congregation...for years. Churches split, families leave, doors close. And we see this same multi-generational affect happening in a broader way.
when a leader fails it affects the local community, the testimony of the church, the advance of the Kingdom...the effects continue to ripple out and run deep.
Wouldn’t it be better to help these leaders NOW?
Helping one leader now, helps them, their families, their churches and their communities for generations. Consider the costs...we do.
Wouldn’t it be better to strengthen the church, the community, our families, our ministries and the Kingdom...than to just clean up a mess and bandage wounds?
How do I give to The River?
The River is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization: EIN 91-2082037.
You have the ability to share your gifts and investment in this ministry online...just hit the DONATE button above...
Or, you can send your gift to:
The River Foundation
P.O. Box 41
Edmonds, WA 98020